We hope that you are happy with your purchase, but if for any reason you need to return your gift boxes we are here to help.
At your cost you may return unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Boxes must arrive unopened and unused and must arrive at our receiving warehouse in good condition and are salable. Shipping fees are non-refundable. Please allow up to 2 weeks for refund to process. In the event that you receive damaged goods, we will cover the cost of return shipping or more likely credit you the value depending on the issue. Samples are non-refundable unless damaged (please see sample return policy). Please check your boxes carefully, we cannot refund boxes due to quality issues after they have been used. Please note that box colors do vary depending on the dye lots and the color represented may not be exact every time. Keep in mind that colors also vary depending on your color profile on your display.
Contact us with any returns and we will help you start the process.